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The Top 5 Reasons Why Community Acupuncture is the Optimum Way to Receive Acupuncture

Community acupuncture - you’re paying less so you must be getting less, right? Nothing could be further from the truth. Let’s count down the 5 reasons why community acupuncture is the best acupuncture...

5. Safety & Reassurance

The first time you try any new thing, you might be nervous. In this case, you might be thinking, acupuncture sounds really weird and I have never met this acupuncturist, I’m nervous to go and be alone and try this strange thing that is new to me. What if it hurts? In a community acupuncture clinic you’ll most likely see when you arrive that others are already snoozing away enjoying a peaceful environment. You will probably be able to see your acupuncturist needle another person, or take the needles out of another person, and notice, hey, they don’t seem uncomfortable at all! Community acupuncture clinics are like little beehives of busy folks buzzing in, taking acunaps, and buzzing back out again in no time. Getting to see the different stages of the process is super reassuring. It help you feel safe when you can see that others are having a safe experience too.

4. Affordability

This one’s pretty obvious but bears repeating: acupuncture that you can afford is going to be a lot more useful than acupuncture you cannot afford. This is why community acupuncture clinics are set up the way they are: so it’s easy and affordable to see if it will work for you. Acupuncture usually requires a series of treatments to see lasting results and to manage chronic conditions like allergies, arthritis, and more, and community acupuncture is modeled on the traditional acupuncture settings of its regions of origin in Asia. By creating an efficient clinic setup, clients can much more easily take advantage of the healing effects of acupuncture and start feeling better, and stay feeling better, more quickly and easily.

3. Resting with no time limits

Unless you have a time you need to be up, in a group acupuncture setting there’s enough time and room for your body to figure out how much acunap time you need. The optimum time period for a treatment varies from person to person. Some people take a little nap and wake up feeling refreshed in 30 minutes, others 45, some people may rest an hour or longer. Acupuncture tends to be something of a reset button and it takes a little time for your sympathetic nervous system (which forms your stress response) to calm down and allow your parasympathetic system (which is in charge of your restorative “rest and digest” functions) to achieve better balance and keep you in good shape. In our modern era we often spend an inordinate amount of time in “go” mode and not enough time in “rest” mode, and you may find that after a few treatments you ease into resting more easily and quickly, because the sympathetic nervous system is getting more time off managing your stress inputs, and it can better attend to managing your body’s homeostasis needs. This is the kind of balance that acupuncture treatments provide for your body.

2. Experience

Your local community acupuncturist is the most experienced acupuncturist around. Because we see a large clientele, we’re familiar with the acupuncture points that will be of the most benefit to you for what you’re dealing with. And, we’re connected. We know when to refer you to a different kind of practitioner that can be of help, with red flags that can indicate conditions that need immediate help from a physician. When you need the most knowledgeable acupuncturist with the most facility for your health issue, a community acupuncture clinic is where you’ll find them!

1. Community acupuncturists cut to the chase (acupuncture!) quickly

Your community acupuncturist knows the best thing you can do is get an acupuncture treatment and see how you respond. The most important conversation that happens in our clinics is the one between the acupuncture needles and your body, and no amount of time spent on anything else can replicate that conversation. The fact is, acupuncture needles placed a tiny little ways into the skin have effects in the body. They stimulate your body to downregulate stress hormones, and fall into a relaxed, calm state that promotes healing.

When you add all this up - community acupuncture is accessible, affordable, with systems and experienced acupuncturists that support our clients’ easily being able to see what acupuncture can do for them. When you’re looking for acupuncture, think community!