Let’s count down the 5 reasons why community acupuncture is the best acupuncture...
Read moreThe Community Acupuncture Concept
Just what is “community acupuncture”? It’s a service, and a movement, created around the idea of serving one’s community in an accessible way. When working class people become acupuncturists, they often find they can’t charge middle/upper class prices like so many acupuncturists do, because their community can’t access them at those price points. By removing the walls of tiny individual treatment spaces and making one big open area for folks to gather and receive an acupuncture treatment, an acupuncturist can operate much more efficiently and that efficiency translates to big savings for clients. The acupuncture clinic becomes a little more welcoming, people feel a little less isolated, and a community becomes a little richer in resources that most people can take part in. That’s the community acupuncture concept. Ready to try it out? Start here